Car Show Categories & Awards
Muscle Car & Corvette Nationals is dedicated to offering fair and impartial judging in several categories. Awards will be presented as Gold, (950-1,000 points), Silver, (900-949 points), and Bronze, (850-899 points). Vehicles are judged on their own merit and will not be judged against each other.
When you apply, you will choose between the following SIX types of entries...

Concours Stock Judged Vehicles: Vehicles are judged on a 1,000 point scale with deductions taken for any deviations from how the vehicle left the assembly line. No car will be judged in a Concours Class with a replacement or questionable VIN plate. Integrity Ribbon will be awarded to vehicles that score 990 and above that also have certain numbers matching components.
Day 2 Judged Vehicles: Vehicles are judged on a 1,000 point scale with no deductions taken for period correct accessories and modifications, including era correct drive-train and wheel and/or tire swaps. Note: deviations from stock must be deemed “period correct.” This is not a class for clones or tributes. VIN must match car being presented. No car will be judged in a Day 2 Class with a replacement or questionable VIN plate. Click for a more detailed description and more information.
Super Street & Modified Judged Vehicles: Vehicles are judged on a 1,000 point scale with no deductions for deviations from stock. Overall attention to cleanliness and detail inside and outside along with panel fit and finish is considered. Stock cars desiring a less intense form of judging can also be judged in this this class.This category may also be suitable for driven factory stock cars that are not freshly restored or matching numbers
Non Judged/Pick Award Eligible Vehicles: Vehicles are not judged on a point system, but will be considered for a variety of “Pick” Awards, including Celebrity, Sponsor, and Club Choice awards.
Triple Diamond Judging: Triple Diamond judging is for the country’s finest restored and original Corvettes only. Applicants must first provide proof of achieving Bloomington Gold and NCRS Top Flight status within the past five years. Full vehicle identification number must also be provided with registration. Classes are limited and we recommend registering ASAP* to assure a spot. No car will be judged in a Triple Diamond Class with a replacement or questionable VIN plate.
Vintage Certification: Vintage Certification focuses on the unrestored vehicle, and includes American brands. This program provides status, recognition, provenance and appreciation to unrestored vehicles. The certification team provides each owner with a detailed listing of our findings in a comprehensive report. Our goal is to uncover new information, share it with you and act as a repository for factory standards and processes. For More information see No car will be judged in a Vintage Certification class with a replacement or questionable VIN plate.
Pinnacle Certification: Reserved for the absolute best of the best in the Shelby and Ford Mustang world. All applicants must first earn MCA (Mustang Club of America) Gold status and SAAC (Shelby American Automobile Club) gold status. This intense judging process is done by certified Shelby and Mustang authorities, led by Bob Perkins and Rick Campbell. Cars will be inspected inside, outside and underneath on a lift with all numbers and date codes inspected and verified. Lifts are provided by MCACN Official Lift Company Titan Lifts. Certifications may be awarded in several levels.
Camaro Legends Concours
The Legends Concours Class is the premier judging program for 67-81 Restored Camaros. Internationally recognized, the Legends Class sets the bar for “assembly-line correct” restorations, using an objective 5,000 point scale with bonus points available for specific NOS items and original documentation. All Legends entries must be pre-qualified, either through the Bowtie Class, MCACN Concours (scoring 975 & above) or by having a current Legends judge personally evaluate and accept the car. Awards are tiered from Bronze to Platinum
In order to place, cars must achieve a minimum score of 83.0%, (4,150 points):

*All Judging must be pre-paid and ordered by Oct 1
Judged Vehicles are ALSO eligible for the SPECIAL AWARDS...
Vehicles entered in competition will be considered for various “Special Awards.” These include “Pick” Awards along with the following, based on eligibility.
Platinum Pick Judges Choice Awards: These special awards will be presented to outstanding vehicles considered the “best of the best” overall by a collective group of the Judging staff. Two awards will be presented to each of the following: one for a Stock vehicle and one for a Modified vehicle. Chevy/Corvette/Buick/Olds/Pontiac/Ford/Mercury/Dodge/Plymouth/AMC/Other
Emerald Award: Presented to an Outstanding First Time Shown vehicle. One award per marque. Stock and Modified vehicles are eligible. Chevy/Corvette/Buick/Olds/Pontiac/Ford/Mercury/Dodge/Plymouth/AMC/Other Special Pick Awards
Celebrity Pick Awards: A variety of Celebrity Pick Awards will be presented. These awards are chosen by our celebrities based on their own individual criteria. All vehicles registered in the show are eligible.
Sponsor Pick Awards: A variety of Sponsor Pick awards will be presented. These awards are chosen by our sponsors based on their own individual criteria., All vehicles registered in the show are eligible for these pick awards.
*Leading Lady Award: Must be titled and registered in womans name. (Proof of title or registration required in advance). Overall Outstanding entry owned by a woman. GM/Corvette/Ford/Mopar/Other- Sponsored by MK Insurance. Must Submit Title or Registration of Vehicle with womans name to be eligible.

*Future Generation Award: (Under 25 Year Old Owner, title or registration proof required in advance) Awarded to an Outstanding entry owned by a participant 25 years of age or younger. GM/Ford/Mopar/Other- Must submit drivers license of owner of car as proof of age, owner must be 25 years old or younger.

David Snyder "Eye Candy" Pick Award: Automotive Artist David Snyder picks the Show car of his choice and presents the "Eye Candy" Award. All vehicles registered in the show are eligible.
Club Pick Award: Chosen collectively by members of eligible individual participating clubs. All Registered Vehicles Eligible.
Display Awards: A variety of special award plaques will be presented to participants utilizing Outstanding displays that show creativity and fine presentation. All Registered Vehicles Eligible
RPM Restorers Award- Awarded to a restorer nominated for excellence by vehicle exhibitors.
Pink Piston Award: Presented by The World Motor Sport Breast Cancer Foundation to a female owned car of their choice.
2015 Pick Award Winners Photos
2016 Pick Award Winners Photos
2017 Pick Award Winners Photos
Additional awards may be added as needed.
For Information in Winners Prior to 2015, please email.